SKU: OG08 Categories: ,


Rowing uses virtually every major muscle group in your body. With little pressure on the joints, due to the activity’s low-impact nature, rowers work their legs, hips and buttocks with each stroke. They also use upper-body muscles, strengthening the back, shoulders and arms.


1) For your first row, set the resistance low while you figure out your form, then slowly ramp it up on subsequent rows.

2) Secure your feet on the pads with the straps tight enough so your feet don’t move around as you slide.

3) Bring your knees up and slide to the top of the machine. Grab the handle using an overhand grip, but don’t hold too tightly.

4) Pull the handle with you as you slide to the end of the machine. Your legs should be straight, but knees should still have a slight bend in them.

Safety :

If You have medical condition which might need special attention then seek medical or experts advice. Protection from adult is required when children and elder are using it.